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Together with outside experts, SECA has drawn up two VC model documentations:

  • one for start-up investments in Switzerland by business angels and similar start-up investors in the range of CHF 0.5 – 5 Mio. (“Model Documentation light”) and
  • one for seizable venture capital investments by institutional / international investors in the range of CHF 5 – 20 Mio. (“Model Documentation large”).


Each model documentation comprising clean and annotated/commented versions of a

  • term sheet,
  • an investment agreement,
  • a shareholders agreement,
  • articles of association and
  • board regulations can be downloaded below for free.


SECA’s VC model documentations make venture investments in Switzerland more efficient and have become the standard for venture investments in Switzerland. The Legal & Tax Chapter encourages everyone to let SECA (or Tobias Giesser who coordinates within the SECA Legal & Tax Chapter) know  of any shortcomings in order to constantly improve the documentation.

SECA would like to thank its Legal & Tax Chapter for its initiative and the following participants for their contributions and the many hours which went into this documentation.

Model Documentation „large“:

  • Martin Frey, Baker & McKenzie
  • Dieter Gericke, Homburger AG
  • Hannes Glaus, Bratschi AG
  • Beat Kühni, Lenz & Staehelin
  • Oliver Triebold, Schellenberg Wittmer AG
  • Michael Trippel, Bär & Karrer AG
  • Ulysses von Salis, Niederer Kraft Frey AG
  • Christian Wenger, Wenger Vieli AG

Model Documentation „light“:

  • Ion Eglin, Bratschi AG
  • Beat Kühni, Lenz & Staehelin
  • Beat Speck, Wenger Vieli AG


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