Company Profile

Zühlke Ventures support high-tech start-up in the HealthTech industry from early stage to exit. We finance ideas that hit the nerve of the market. We evaluate carefully before acting, fully aware that there are no guarantees. Our goals are to recognize potential, get involved early, limit threats and accept reasonable risks. The many assets we provide include sound financing, a wealth of management and technology experience, and our strong network.
Number of employees in Switzerland
Capital under Management
Fund Names
Number of Portfolio Companies
Examples of Portfolio Companies
Year of Establishment


Type of Firm
Corporate Venturer - Industrial Company
Investment Stages
Industrial Sectors
Medical - Life Sciences - Health Related
Geographical Focus
Austria, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America
Type of Financing
Equity Financing

Investment preferences

Size of Investment
CHF 0.2-1m
Funds available to invest
Minimum investment considered
Maximum investment considered