Company Profile

schochauer is one of the largest law firms in St. Gallen, Switzerland, a university town located in the eastern part of Switzerland and bordered by Germany, Austria and Liechtenstein. Founded in 1970, schochauer comprises of a team of skilled and experienced lawyers, ready to advise local, national as well as international clients in all legal matters, particularly those concerning business law. Issues in the areas of corporate and commercial, M&A, private equity and tax law are of particular importance for our practice. Our attorneys-at-law structure all sorts of business transactions and draft respective agreements, always aiming at clearly identifying and reflecting the parties' intentions and needs with the goal of avoiding future conflicts. As public notaries, we notarize public deeds in company, marital and inheritance law matters and certify copies and signatures. While most of our lawyers' work consists in advising their clients on a private and individual mandate basis, we are frequently requested to accept duties of directorship. Each partner acts as a member and / or secretary to the board of directors of companies and / or to the board of foundations with whom schochauer maintains close ties.
Number of employees in Switzerland
Capital under Management
Fund Names
Number of Portfolio Companies
Examples of Portfolio Companies
Year of Establishment


Type of Firm
Law Firm
Investment Stages
Industrial Sectors
Geographical Focus
Type of Financing

Investment preferences

Size of Investment
Funds available to invest
Minimum investment considered
Maximum investment considered