Company Profile

Private Equity Holding Ltd. offers institutional and private investors the opportunity to invest in a broadly diversified private equity portfolio. The objective of Private Equity Holding Ltd. is to generate long-term capital growth for its shareholders through investment in a broadly diversified private equity portfolio and the reinvestment of portfolio proceeds, while also pursuing a distribution policy and therefore providing a regular yield to its shareholders. Private Equity Holding’s strategy includes primary private equity fund investments, the acquisition of fund interests on the secondary market and direct co-investments. Private Equity Holding’s investment portfolio is managed by Alpha Associates. Alpha Associates is a professional manager of global portfolios specialized on private equity, private debt, and infrastructure investments.
Number of employees in Switzerland
(portfolio management by Alpha Associates Ltd.)
Capital under Management
Fund Names
Number of Portfolio Companies
Examples of Portfolio Companies
ABRY Senior Equity VI, ABRY Partners VIII, Eagletree Partners VI, Highland Europe IV, Pelion VI, Renaissance Learning, International Design Group (formerly Flos)
Year of Establishment


Type of Firm
Investment Stages
Buyout - Buyin, Early-Stage, Expansion - Development Capital, Turnaround - Restructuring
Industrial Sectors
Geographical Focus
Europe, United States of America, Western Europe
Type of Financing
Equity Financing

Investment preferences

Size of Investment
Funds available to invest
Minimum investment considered
Maximum investment considered