Company Profile

Neuberger Berman Private Equity is a leading global private equity investor with over 35 years of experience and has managed over $110 billion of commitments since inception through December 2023 across (i) private equity fund investments in the primary and secondary markets, (ii) direct equity co-investments and debt investments in private equity owned companies and (iii) a number of specialty strategies including brand royalties, Italian direct investments and healthcare credit investments. Its dedicated team of over 310 private equity professionals has a global presence with offices in the U.S., Europe and Asia. For more information, please visit our website at
Number of employees in Switzerland
310+ Private Equity professionals; 2'826 NB
Capital under Management
over USD 110bn (since inception through December 2023) for Private Equity; over USD 460bn for Neuberger Berman (as of December 2023)
Fund Names
Private Investment Portfolios, Secondaries, Co- Investments, Private Credit, Consumer Brand Licensing, Italian Direct Investments, Healthcare Credit, Custom Separate Accounts
Number of Portfolio Companies
LP in over 745 active private equity funds, over 460 direct equity and credit investments (Sep. 23)
Examples of Portfolio Companies
Year of Establishment
1987 Private Equity; 1939 Neuberger Berman


Type of Firm
Fund Management Company
Investment Stages
Industrial Sectors
Geographical Focus
Type of Financing

Investment preferences

Size of Investment
Funds available to invest
Minimum investment considered
Maximum investment considered