Company Profile

Muzinich & Co. is a privately-owned, institutionally-focused investment firm specializing in public and private corporate credit. Our established track record stretches back over 30 years, highlighting our ability to deliver what we believe to be superior risk-adjusted returns in a variety of market conditions with no style drift. The Firm was founded in New York in 1988 by George Muzinich. It has 14 offices in the US, Europe and Asia. In Switzerland we have a local presence in Geneva and Zurich. Muzinich offers a broad range of corporate credit solutions across both developed and emerging markets and manages over US$39.6bn in assets. It has over 225 employees of which 102 are investment professionals. Our dedicated investment teams in the US, Europe and Asia, in both private and public debt, combine a global perspective with local knowledge.
Number of employees in Switzerland
Capital under Management
Fund Names
Number of Portfolio Companies
Examples of Portfolio Companies
Year of Establishment


Type of Firm
Fund Management Company
Investment Stages
Industrial Sectors
Geographical Focus
Type of Financing

Investment preferences

Size of Investment
Funds available to invest
Minimum investment considered
Maximum investment considered