Company Profile

Helsana HealthInvest AG invests in start-ups and venture funds located in Europe. Our investment activity focuses on companies in Digital Health with validated & certified products that are ready to scale out-of or in-to Switzerland. Besides the financial investment, we bring our extensive know-how as well as access to relevant players in the Swiss healthcare system into the partnership. This is our way of contributing to higher quality of care and increasing efficiency in the healthcare system.
Number of employees in Switzerland
Capital under Management
CHF 100m
Fund Names
Number of Portfolio Companies
Examples of Portfolio Companies
eTherapists (Humanoo), kenbi, Hedera Dx
Year of Establishment


Type of Firm
Corporate Venturer - Industrial Company
Investment Stages
Early-Stage, Expansion - Development Capital, Start-up Capital
Industrial Sectors
Finance - Insurance - Real Estate, Medical - Life Sciences - Health Related
Geographical Focus
Type of Financing
Equity Financing, Minority Equity

Investment preferences

Size of Investment
Funds available to invest
Minimum investment considered
Maximum investment considered