Company Profile

Carbon Removal Partners AG (“CRP”) is a Swiss Venture Capital investment advisor focusing on investments in the emerging Carbon Dioxide Removal (“CDR”) sphere. CRP identifies and assesses early-stage companies and technologies in Switzerland, North America and Europe and provides access to capital. The founders of Carbon Removal Partners have been active in the CDR industry since its very beginning and are pioneers in the area with a unique global network and industry knowledge. CRP’s team consists of both scientists and investment professionals. In late 2023, CRP has launched its first alternative investment fund focusing on early-stage investments in the CDR ecosystem.
Number of employees in Switzerland
Capital under Management
Fund Names
Carbon Removal Partners - Systemic Ventures I SCSp
Number of Portfolio Companies
approx. 25
Examples of Portfolio Companies
Climeworks, Heirloom, Ceezer, Carbonfuture, Greenlyte, CO280
Year of Establishment


Type of Firm
Consulting - Advising Firm
Investment Stages
Early-Stage, Seed Capital, Start-up Capital
Industrial Sectors
Environment, Other
Geographical Focus
Europe, North America, Switzerland
Type of Financing
Equity Financing, Mezzanine

Investment preferences

Size of Investment
Funds available to invest
Minimum investment considered
Maximum investment considered