Company Profile

BNP Paribas Asset Management belongs to BNP Paribas, one of the world’s foremost financial institutions. It has a broad range of skills in five investment divisions: Equities, Fixed Income, Private Debt & Real Assets, MAQS and SQI. Sustainability is at the heart of BNP Paribas AM’s strategy and investment decision-making process, making an active contribution to energy transition, environmental protection and the promotion of equality and inclusive growth.
Number of employees in Switzerland
Capital under Management
Fund Names
Number of Portfolio Companies
Examples of Portfolio Companies
Year of Establishment


Type of Firm
Fund Management Company
Investment Stages
Buyout - Buyin, Early-Stage, Expansion - Development Capital, Mezzanine - Bridge Finance, Seed Capital, Start-up Capital
Industrial Sectors
Agriculture - Forestry - Fishing, Energy, Environment, Finance - Insurance - Real Estate
Geographical Focus
Europe, United States of America
Type of Financing

Investment preferences

Size of Investment
Funds available to invest
Minimum investment considered
Maximum investment considered